The following is my portfolio as at 2014 (not in any order). I do not expect any more changes till next year when I come back from my holidays to review again.
Edited in the prices as at Dec 31 (after trading).
DBS ($20.60)
SPH ($4.21)
SingTel ($3.90)
StarHub ($4.15)
CityDev ($10.27)
SP Ausnet ($1.42)
Cityspring ($0.53)
Keppel Infra Trust ($1.065)
Olam ($2.02)
Wilmar ($3.24)
SIA ($11.60)
Keppelcorp ($8.85)
SembCorp ($4.45)
CMPacific ($0.975)
CroesusRetail ($0.925)
CDL Trust ($1.74)
AsiaPay TV Trust ($0.86)
Capital China Trust ($1.615)
Ascendas India Trust ($0.82)
Lippo Malls Trust ($0.34)
SuntecReit ($1.96)
StarHillGlobal Reit ($0.80)
SATs ($3.05)
SingPost ($1.92)
First Reit ($1.255)
KReit ($1.22)
Accordia Golf Trust ($0.75)
SoilBuild Trust ($0.79)
HPH Trust ($0.915)
OCC 5.1%NCPS 100 ($105.22)
DBS$800M4.7%NCPS ($105.50)
Olam B180129 (US$1.07)